Tuesday, January 5, 2010


name's niyan. today's topic is: feeling_hurt

It hurt to feel, but hurt is also a feel. but nothing hurts like a friend ignoring u. you'll only know when u feel it. it hurts more if tat friend is u r love. i use the term love for a lover....
[pls don't misunderstand when i say "u r love deeply loves u"... it only means that your lover deeply loves you]. Hurt is directly proportional to the feeling/caring for tat person.
Don't believe.. try it.
The hurts when a best friend ignores you is more than a unknown person ignoring or when the person u just meet ignores you. It hurts u more if u r love ignores you than your best friend.... try it sometime it's all from my soul, every word of it is....
Other forms of hurts. jealousy disappointment is another form of hurt . The feel that you get if your best friend is in favor of other is called jealousy hurt. this hurt is commonly seen in love. This hurt mostly result is violence. Be careful to watch out for this kind of feeling....
Another form of hurt is Betrayal form of hurt . this will also end in violence depending on the intensity of the feel. for example if a friend betray u, what will u do, and if u r love betrays u, wat will u do... the mere sentence of betrayal gives u hurt and feeling of anger and fear. Here betrayal hurt is directly proportional to the trust.
Some times it doesn't hurt at all if u r beaten up tied to a poal. But it hurts if u r love, friend or one who u care for is done the same. this scenario is used in most films, you've seen it also. this hurt is called the physical-mental hurt of the loved ones. I don't think i need to explain this form of hurt at all... if u want more explanation just try a movie which involves drama.
There's another form of hurt, which is mostly mistaken with good feeling,... the hurt of sacrifice... it hurts a lot to let go of something u love to someone who wants it more than u. U may call me self centered or anything u like , but it really hurt to sacrifice something u love for someone else.... As i said earlier it's commonly mistaken as pleasure /good feeling of seeing others happy.....this hurt is mostly followed with jealousy,insecurity,and sometimes hatred.

Have i mentioned that feeling don't come alone, they come in heard.... Don't believe me, just try to classify pure happiness. Happiness always comes with satisfaction( satisfaction is also a feeling). sadness mostly comes with anger, dissatisfaction, mostly frustration and anger. similarly all not almost, all emotions/ feeling come in heard never alone....
So when u say u r totally happy, u really not happy, u r satisfied an feel good./.

reply to niyan@iamgod.in

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